About Us

Where faith and fashion are one

Luke 12:27, “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

Our God loves beauty, and for a fact, he invented it; we’re all just playing catchup. At various times in scripture, Jesus is referred to as; “The Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valleys”, “The Bright and Morning Star”, “The brightness of God’s Glory”, and at JSD, that’s exactly what we believe. We believe that that as Christians, we are the light of the world, hence we’re born to show forth Christ’s glory and his kingdom in everything we do, including through fashion.

Our attitude, our charm, and our appeal should be nothing short of magnetic. Our sense of style and the statements we’re making with them should always reveal that beauty that engulfs us from the inside out. We reveal Christ through the clothes we wear, witnessing to the rest of the world who our Jesus is and how he is GOOD.

We’re passionate, not just about our love for God and fashion but also about our desire to witness Christ to the entire world through fashion. To our customers our designs aren’t just another piece of clothing, it’s their voice and their personality, trying to make a statement that Jesus is not only their rock, but that he also rocks.

We are a team of dreamers, thinkers, shakers, movers, and believers and we’re super proud to know that, with every apparel and accessory we design for you, we’re helping you tell the world about who you are and whose you are

Our designs are top-notch and are impeccable. Our tees, fashion apparels and accessories are designed to suit an assortment of tastes and styles. We’re very proud of our collection, and you can choose from our online in-store selection of tees, fashion apparels and accessories and start rocking those outfits that would tell the world about your faith.

Joke Salami

Born in Detroit, raised in Nigeria but currently residing in Maryland USA, my Nigerian roots and my upbringing has had a huge influence in my love for God and fashion. Inspired by my love for Jesus, fashion, and my entrepreneurial spirit, I realized that the natural path for me to go was to design faith-based clothing that would positively impact the lives of people looking to showcase the amazing joy and energy that the Christian faith has to offer and bring people of similar interest together to share in this fun and excitement

With countless design options for tees, fashion apparels and accessories, JSD is constantly providing a fun yet stylish way for believers to be supported in their faith and share their love of Jesus with the rest of the world.